MC Smích Hyen/Rosa Parks

Army of fogies is joining to Nazis in a hateful march for free hypocrisy, while hardcore kids are threatening with their fists under stages for bands sponsored by industry giants, preferably with a hamburger from McDonald’s in one hand and with a vote for TOP09 in other hand.
Eaten alive by each other and then vomited as priceless rubbish from a row of never-ending replications of replicas in the lower shelves of supermarkets.
Zero potential of uprising with the biggest potential to purchase, just another fucking ordinary dance entertainment of the golden youth.

When will you stop asking? – Ears will be filled by words anyway
Now you don‘t have to worry – That you won’t be afraid.
When will you stop asking? – Ears will be filled by words anyway
Now you don‘t have to worry – That you won’t be afraid.
The funnel narrows, clogged at the bottom, as fragments of truth flows through the channels.
Who will beat who, who should we be, what do we want, don’t want, for what we stand for?
When will you stop asking?
Looking for the end has no end!
What to catch out, which direction to choose?
Looking for the end has no end!
What to subscribe and whose blood to spill?

When they tell you, that you have to be afraid
When they show you, where the hideout is placed
When the otherness is hiding the killer
When everybody is guarding his thoughts
When the whisper is the way of speaking
When you hide your head from sighting
When your hunger is the need of the era
When consequences are just appearances
They are laughing – rubbing hands in silent rooms
But this is what they want – the mob is scared, world full of skirmishes
Enemy at the gates – armed illusions
The killer is a judge, the judge is a murderer, the murderer is a ruler, the ruler is a murderer
A climate of fear is their biggest weapon, mutual animosity and hate
Watchdog is then in all of us

Devoured in dark woods of unfulfilled dreams
The meaning is lost sooner than a sentence is said
Nothing but silence and your misted eyes
Hidden in perfect shelters full of needless things
How many times!
How many times did you have opened your mouth idly?
Creating relations full of beautiful words and coolness
Perfect scenery of in advance trained game and battle
They have declared war to the whole world from behind the doors
And then they have fallen asleep, fighting with each other
How many times did you have opened your mouth idly?

Ideas, which have faded in mind
Memories, have cooled long time ago
Young beautiful ballerina, with no life, from porcelain
Little soldier, who has shot his head instead of war
Woman, who is giving birth to a child, cotton-spinner, who is spinning a net
There is no winner, or looser – just nameless, nameless!
We are falling down into a deep of mud of our own mind
And we feel how the things of past and future are fragmenting
We are looking up thirstily, with a look staring at the sky, when the rain will come
Black clouds fall down on Hiroshima and we – caged in a cattle-box – are caught to ride
And over and over again.

After all, it´s just a voice in your head
Victim´s dead eyes
Images of futility
So perhaps rather switch, in fact, who really enjoys it?
Reality or fiction?
Subtitles will advise
Differences deleted
Only the dead eyes of victims
And in the morning – come out with your head held high
Pictures of yesterday´s news – where did they come from?

At each step – they´re watching you
in case you will do – something you can´t
Look over your shoulder – look above you
In absolute safety – behind the imaginary wall
Invisible barbed wires – Big brother is watching
But who does nothing may not be afraid

But what´s wrong today? And what about tomorrow?
Me or you? Or all of us?
When will be what is seen, used against you?

Invisible barbed wires – Big brother is watching
when will be what is seen, used against you?
We ought to be – especially ourselves
Who will help and protect each other

People are bawling under windows again
Murderers “Catch the killer!”
After execution of the old, new elected
They will put on the same clothes – just in different color

The democracy is blooming, even with a little defect
Those, who have been stealing for years, they are stealing hundred times more today!
The democracy has matured into gastric ulcers
Without honesty, without rights and especially with no regards!

There are still the same old harnesses, just figures are changing
We are assuming the attitudes, instead of to have them.
There are still the same old harnesses, just figures are changing
And our important attitudes, which will not change anything

(Text in italics is a slightly modified text of a song of Karel Kryl called Democracy)